Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter


Mindset is everything. It turns hours of trudging work into what feels like minutes of creativity and joy. My mindset has not always been what it needs to be.

I’m gonna try my best to keep this one as brief as I can, as it’s really cut and dry. You are in control of what you do with what you are dealt. The hand you have right now might not be as good as the one in the hands of someone to your left, but you can be the better player with those cards and come out on top.

The poker metaphor only gets us so far. You obviously shouldn’t bluff your way through life, never learning anything or gaining a better hand. But the symbolism of playing your cards right is a powerful one to me. It gives me this locus of control within myself that empowers me to go make changes that I want. I stopped blaming my job for not paying me enough, and I went out to find a job that did. I stopped blaming my schedule for not allowing me time to write, and made a new one that did. This isn’t to brag or to shove it in anyone’s face; it is merely to show the control we have over ourselves.

We often tend to take our own power away in favor of losing the responsibility for our environment. But you have the ability to reshape your hand to your liking. Your power is yours, and yor life is in your hands.

This isn’t a post about quitting your job to follow your passion; it’s about taking control of your life and feeling the power therein.

I promise it feels liberating, even to envision your life in your control. It doesn’t have to force you to make changes right away, either; this mindset change simply allows you to make choices within yourself to feel the control move from the external locus to the internal.

This change will empower your creativity. You will find yourself making time for it in your life, making time to learn and hone your craft, making time to go out and receive feedback! And I really hope this mindset change has the effect on you that it did for me. Have a great weekend guys! See you tomorrow 🙂