Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter


Sometimes, you just cannot force yourself to see what it is you are supposed to create.

I finished draft one of my novel, and now I cannot find where to start on draft two. I can clearly see the problems and know the direction I need to take the rewrites, but cannot for the life of me write it in a way that doesn’t leave me stumped after nine pages.

Sometimes you will have off days. Instead of completely wasting the day, take the time and create something fresh. keep it light, fun and interesting. Let your mind chew on the main project while you go down a side avenue for a while and have a little fun time.

This blog post is also to express that though I write a lot of posts about “do ____ when you feel _____”, I am still on the journey myself. I still cannot force myself to write somedays, and cannot make myself finish 2000 words that I hate on a story that’s not going to end up anywhere. So instead, I decided to refocus that energy.

Thank you all for your support. Much love!

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