Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

Regularly Scheduled Programming

That was a long rest period.

And an eventful one! Since I last posted, I got married, I moved twice, and I decided to re-rebrand the site to something more sustainable. I decided there is only so much blogging a guy can do with minute-wisdoms and personal anecdotes about creativity before it just seems heretical.

I promised a blog post a day when I rebranded to “Addict for Creation”, and that was doable for me. The essays were easy to write, and they helped scratch that itch that I had in the self-development world. But, when I was writing them, I was planning a wedding, as well as performing some not-so healthy habits in the meantime (I was addicted to a semi-popular video game, in which I created responsibilities for myself that were set up as my straw-man to justify my addiction), and trying to write a book! Well, I wrote the book only after I quit the blog, and then I realized that the book just wasn’t that amazing, so I scrapped it and wrote it again.

That’s right. I wrote two books.

Well, two versions of one book. It still feels wild to type that statement, regardless. The first book ended up being more of a 100-page, very in depth outline of the book that was to come, the second book that I finished the year after the first, almost to the day.

Anyways, take this post as the last of Addict for Creation’s mantra; create the things you want to create, even if you feel like they are bad while you are doing them. I promise, they are far better than you realize, and a done work feels so much better than a perfect, yet unfinished one.

And, with that out of the way, I am rebranding this blog to me! I will talk about all the hills I die on, and I am going down to weekly posts, but hopefully they will be far more in-depth for all you many many readers (/s) to chew on!

Much love,

Henry J. Young

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