Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_004; saturday

Saturdays have this weird, floating space to me.

I can never really decide what kind of day I want them to be. And by the time I think it’s shaping itself, the day is almost over. I think it has to do with the numerous possibilities, all the options I have available, whereas the other days of the week are never this open. Tell me if you agree;

Monday- this is the start to my week. (Why do most calendars begin on Sunday, if this is the true Day 1 of any week? I change all of my calendar apps to reflect this, and it throws me off every time I look at someone else’s. So, if you are one of those people, maybe consider changing your calendars too. Makes it easier to make sense of the week if you start at the beginning). I honestly really like Mondays, always feels like a fresh set of possibilities and chances to get things done right. I will add the disclaimer that I am also a morning person for much the same reason.

Tuesday- now this is a pivotal day. If Monday started out well, Tuesday has to be executed on properly, or else you get this weird rubber-band cadence to the week. It throws me off. However, if you have a bad Monday, Tuesday can be a good reset, to try and correct the path.

Wednesday- is not actually the hump of my work week. It’s the most stable of all the days of the week, though. Think about a bad day, or a really good day. For me, the immediate thought is almost never a Wednesday. A regular old good day, though? Wednesday

Thursday- This is my hump day. More often than comfortable I already feel like it’s Friday by Thursday, and that really screws with me. Also, I’m starting to take rest days on Thursdays (I had shin splints for almost a month without taking rest days, so I’m attempting to abate them moving forward), so I feel more tired these days than any other day of the week, for the most part.

Friday- Date Night for me and my wife. One of the best days.

Saturday- see above and below

Sunday- Dedicated rest day for the whole house. Lots of rejuvenating time spent with my wife (reading, playing music, etc.)

See? Saturday has a certain amount of pressure to it. It’s one of the non-work days of the week, but it still feels like you have so much to do if you want to really rejuvenate on Sunday. You want to do something fun, but also you maybe want to do that other thing, or the other, or or or o r…. it’s gone, sorry kid.

Anyways, just random musing around. Gonna try and get some more of my tasks done before the sun goes down, and Sunday comes around again. Bye.

(Also, I am appreciative of the fact that you are most likely reading this post on Sunday. It didn’t escape me while I was writing it. But I don’t really know how to abate that delay, because I’m not sure I want to subject you all to emails when I post, as opposed to a scheduled blast in the morning. Let me know if you have thoughts.)

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