Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_005; 5 minutes

Today, I did about 10 things I’ve been meaning to do. It felt really good.

I, like everyone else, tend to procrastinate these 5 minute tasks, saving them for times when I have “nothing” to do. It drives me crazy when I finally get down to doing them, and I realize I could have had such a simpler time if I just did the thing when I thought of it.

It felt really good to get that stuff done.

I got a portable filing bin, a “current papers” organizer- for receipts, bills, and todo list items- to hang on the wall (it’s sitting on my porch drying from a coat of paint), organized my screws, decluttered my closet, dusted, vacuumed, and reorganized/put everything away. Plus a couple of other things here and there that have been bothering me, like the dirt in my toolbag or the pens set on my desk.

There’s never a perfect time for anything, but Sunday seemed pretty good to me. Maybe I’ll go clean my car out, too.

I don’t think I want to make each of these posts super “important”- sometimes I won’t have a big lesson of the day, and trying to add the pressure of a different call to action everyday is going to be weird. That well will probably run dry eventually, won’t it?

Off to clean some more. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed your Sunday.
