Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_009; and like a bad addict…

Took one week for a click to miss the “publish” button while I was rushing out. Or to miss the check. Something happened, and my daily_008 released out of sync with my cadence.

One week. Who called it?

I’m really kicking myself. It’s really hard to write #9 when #8 didn’t post “on time”. 

I’m trying to have grace for myself, at least on the “journey”, if not the destination. 

I typed up a blog post yesterday. Does it really matter if the post didn’t go through? 

Well, yes, it matters to me. It sucks to live with this feeling like I failed at a commitment. Even if the spirit of the commitment was followed through, I still failed at the execution.

It sucks, but part of life is learning to live beyond how you feel. I’ve cried numerous times today, but should I let that stop me from writing #9, or my word count for my book today?

I shouldn’t. Probably.

C’est la vie, I suppose. On to #10.

Trust me, I will double check that this one posts. Excuse the hiccup, pay no attention to the tears behind the curtain.

Thanks for reading.