Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_024; try something

I don’t really know how this relates to my day/yesterday, which is typically how I get the ideas for these posts. So we’re winging it.

Just try. Do something you want to do.

Most of the time, you’re in no worse a place when you’re done trying than you were when you started. You’re often in a better position.

I hate adding qualifiers like “most of the time” to statements like the above. Not because I don’t think there is an edgecase that I’m skipping by skipping the qualifying statement, but more because I feel like it’s pretty implicit, but c’est la vie, eh?

Anyways, to ape Shia, just DO it. It doesn’t hurt you, it won’t kill you, you’ll pass out before you die, yada yada yada. You get the point.

You’ll get knowledge either way, either the knowledge/skill to do something you enjoy, or perspective to know what you don’t enjoy, which can often be even more liberating, especially for me. I want to chase every angle initially, (see daily_016), so knowing that there’s something I can strike from the list is helpful. Either way, more things become available when you eliminate the ones you have already tried.

Don’t try too much. Just try something. It’s fun. Take it from a chronic “drowner”.

Thanks for reading.