Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_026; funday

Two carts is an excessive amount of groceries to bring through the self checkout. One is a lot, honestly more than like fifteen items is kinda pushing it. But two?!

Like, c’mon, dude. Really couldn’t let the professionals handle this?


Frozen yogurt is superior to ice cream, I think. I want to get it more often, the flavors are almost always on a wider spectrum, and I find it sits less heavy, which makes it feel more refreshing.

The state I live in now has a weird obsession with regulating its wilderness and nature. It’s irritating. All these policies and permits required to go backpacking/camping, “brush your boots before you hike to keep our plants safe” policies, no dogs on most trails. Like, is wildlife really going to be more impacted by plants on my boots, or my dog walking around with me, than ME walking through it? Talking loud? Moving fast? I don’t think so. But somehow the signs have people convinced. It’s weird.

I know we have a duty to steward the world we’re in, and I appreciate that. But there’s a line, right?

Maybe I’m ignorant.

In fact, probably I’m ignorant to why. I’d just love to know what the rational reason is. I’m more disturbing to wildlife than these other things are, right?

Happy Sunday today. I love my wife, and hanging out with her. Have a good Monday everyone.

Thanks for reading.