Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_027; perfect timing

It doesn’t exist.

That could be the end of the post, couldn’t it?

I won’t do it. Feels too cheap.

There’s never a perfect time to go on vacation, or to quit your job, or find a new one, or to move, or to write a book, or get married, or have kids. There’s the now, and the maybe‘s and what if‘s of the path ahead.

There’s always a million excuses not to do something, and I’ll never find (and have never found) that all the circumstances aligned for me to do something.

I finished my first book at 3 a.m. the morning I was about to move out of my first home with my wife. I’m sure we all have stories like that, where we just knew we had to do something in the moment.

It was too much book to write. Clearly, since I shirked sleep to get it out. And, I eventually rewrote and revised almost everything I wrote.

But if I had waited, or if you had, the thing probably wouldn’t have gotten done at that moment, and (AND!!) you wouldn’t be where you are. Good or bad, you are where you are.

It’s not the perfect time, but I’m going to write. I’m going to move at the same time, and I’m going to blog. I’m going to work, and find a job, and interview my replacement (a successor, if you will, sports fans. inside baseball anyone?), and none of it is perfect timing, but it is THE timing I’ve got.

Thanks for reading.