Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_030; did i miss something?

Wow. 30 days went fast. Like lightning.

Are we sure I didn’t skip a number in there somewhere? Or ten?

This has been a great experience so far. I have an impetus to sit down in front of a blank page and keyboard every single day.

And, it’s honestly forced me to have the same kind of discipline on my book. I hit 76,000 words on draft 1 yesterday (book #2).

For reference, when I finished my last book, it was 95,000 words, and had taken me almost two years to get that, plus the ten years spent starting projects and only getting one chapter in before switching to another one.

I got 76,000 from October to now.

The second one is certainly faster (I also wrote about 50,000 words on another project, but lost momentum on it during my first cross-country move, something I am determined not to repeat this time).

Anyways, not really sure what all this means. But it’s good. Writing is good.

Thanks for reading.