Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_034; the last dance

I’m watching The Last Dance on Netflix. Chicago Bulls/MJ documentary.

We’re all fascinated by these very unhealthily obsessive individuals.

Or at least I am.

Obviously I’m obsessive. I’ve mentioned this before. Maybe it’s why I like seeing these intense, focused, single-minded people. Arnold. MJ. They seem almost crazy in these interview shots. They are still the same, even removed from the arenas they constructed for themselves. When confronted with criticism, they remain unapologetic, in an age where apologies come as fast as we can tweet them.

You made these guys mad back in the day, you better watch out. They’re gonna bull over you for it. They’ll steal your soul, to appropriate Goggins.

I don’t really know what any of this means. I’m just writing it down because it interests me.
