Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter


I forgot 43.

Not to post. To write.

Somehow, it just slipped away from me. Every time I remembered “I have to write that blog post”, something else came up. That’s not an excuse- these don’t take luxurious amounts of time to write- but it is the reason.

I realized it at about 12:05 a.m., still awake, and thought about how I should best handle my first missed blog post in 43 days. I probably could have written something then, and posted it, and clarified how “it’s still part of day 43, because I’m still awake, and” blah blah blah. But I didn’t think that would really be in the spirit of the blog.

So, daily_043 doesn’t exist. I think thematically it makes sense; Day 43, since I started, doesn’t have anything to show for it.

Still going, just missed a step. I’m sure I’ll miss others, too, but that’s got to be okay. There’s no other way forward.
