Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_011; mind games

my water is gone but I don’t want to get up to fill it

the music is wrong but the right music doesn’t feel right,

I’ve already written 1200 words today (1276, not counting these),

it’s about one degree too hot which means AC will make it one degree too cold,

the dog needs to be walked (probably),

one more episode couldn’t hurt, maybe just one more,

that email about productivity must be spam, I should check to make sure I didn’t accidentally sign up,

maybe this section needs to be drawn out before I can write it down, where’s my pen, why don’t we have any paper

is ‘condescendingly’ a weak descriptor (the answer is yes, kill adverbs at all costs),

what kind of camera suits my amateur needs the best,

should I be having an adventure right now,

it feels like I’m not doing anything, I’ve gotta recenter, maybe in ten minutes,

overwatch is calling, they have a new hero out,

and I don’t know if I have any good ideas left

The things we choose to do, right?

I can’t let the mind games win. The goal always has to win.

Thanks for reading.