Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_013; fools errand, tools fool, a fool is a fickle tool

Like I said, not every day is going to be an amazing insight into my life. Or yours. Some days it will just be me writing/making stuff to flex the muscle.

I’m half-tempted to write a really witty April Fool’s joke on the technicality that I am posting on April Fool’s Day, and cash in on the fact that you would likely be reading this on the day after.

But my wife wouldn’t really appreciate me playing the particular prank I have in mind on you guys.

My favorite April Fool’s joke is having dentist’s appointments on 4/1 (which I did), and then not going because joke’s on them, I know how to brush my own teeth, thank you.

My second favorite April Fool’s joke still hasn’t happened yet. That’s what makes it my second favorite.

My third is the one where you tape the water spraying nozzle shut, and your mom turns on the kitchen faucet, only to get sprayed in the face with cold water at 6 in the morning.

Below are a collection of links to various other April Fool’s jokes that I enjoy.

Here’s a link. Guess where it goes.

Here’s another. Boo.

Did you guys hear Eminem’s new album?

Can you resist this one?

How about that one?

Playing with blogs is quite fun. I can’t show you any of this in print medium.

Last one, I promise.

The rest of this blog will be generated by AI.

Thanks for reading/clicking.