Henry J. Young

Authorial Intent Doesn't Matter

daily_018; self-talk

I’m gniog to wtrie tihs bolg psot lkie yuro’e in a Jmimy Jhno’s, ok?

That’s too hard. I don’t think I can commit to that.

I’m sure there is a generative text machine that can do it for me. Do I commit to the bit that hard? How would I even search for that?

Do you ever think about how often people talk about you the way you talk about them? I guarantee you aren’t peaches and cream to everyone you meet. Obviously there’s the select few who you almost never have any problems to speak of, but do they line up with you in that regard?

It’s an interesting thing to think about. I simultaneously want to know, and don’t want to know, what people think about me, and what about me bothers the people I don’t get along with really well. It’s an interesting thought experiment.

Like, friendships that fizzle mutually- do you think about what the other person didn’t like about you to cause their fizzle?

I don’t know. I’m “them” to everyone else in my life. It’s really an interesting perspective to try and take on, and yet untenable because of the way our minds are wired- or at least mine.


Thanks for reading.