I’m watching The Last Dance on Netflix. Chicago Bulls/MJ documentary. We’re all fascinated by these very unhealthily obsessive individuals. Or at least I am. Obviously I’m obsessive. I’ve mentioned thisContinue readingdaily_034; the last dance
Art is expression. Expression is moving what is inside, to the outside. You don’t need an audience to express, that’s communication. If someone else appreciates what you’ve expressed, all theContinue readingdaily_033; express
We write so many stories telling us to reconnect with nature, to return to some by-gone era of man where we were in tune with the world we live in,Continue readingdaily_032; the human spirit
The grey space between homes. Between jobs. Between lives. The treadmill walk before the trail peaks around the corner. The dead air between songs. Not a rest. Not a break.Continue readingdaily_031; transition
Wow. 30 days went fast. Like lightning. Are we sure I didn’t skip a number in there somewhere? Or ten? This has been a great experience so far. I haveContinue readingdaily_030; did i miss something?
I almost didn’t post what I wrote yesterday, mostly because I was wondering if it was a post I was proud of. Not in any sense like I almost missedContinue readingdaily_029; pride
There’s something about this guy, even at his advanced age, isn’t there? Goes from a farm town to a factory town in Austria, then becomes a Hollywood icon, and governorContinue readingdaily_028; arnold
It doesn’t exist. That could be the end of the post, couldn’t it? I won’t do it. Feels too cheap. There’s never a perfect time to go on vacation, orContinue readingdaily_027; perfect timing
Two carts is an excessive amount of groceries to bring through the self checkout. One is a lot, honestly more than like fifteen items is kinda pushing it. But two?!Continue readingdaily_026; funday
Don’t miss the sun shining. Get outside. A farmer’s market could be your morning sunshine. Fresh food, happy people, great smells. A long hike can take you to the afternoon.Continue readingdaily_025; little darling