I don’t really know how this relates to my day/yesterday, which is typically how I get the ideas for these posts. So we’re winging it. Just try. Do something youContinue readingdaily_024; try something
Not word vomit. No no. Yesterday, I time-blocked out today. I like to plan ahead for the day I want to have, and time blocking in my calendar every hourContinue readingdaily_023; vomit
Purpose. So overrated, and so underutilized. Purpose isn’t what drives you, it’s what got you here. It’s not what you’re “for”, and it isn’t against what you’re doing. Purpose isContinue readingdaily_022; the chartreuse pill
I’m really competitive. I have always been, for as long as I can remember. Feeling competitive makes sense when there is one prize to be won; one trophy for theContinue readingdaily_021; there is enough cake
It doesn’t feel right to use capital letters in the heading, because of the format I used for the “title” of the blog. Whoops. You’ve got two ears/one tongue. AContinue readingdaily_020; measure twice
I’m gniog to wtrie tihs bolg psot lkie yuro’e in a Jmimy Jhno’s, ok? That’s too hard. I don’t think I can commit to that. I’m sure there is aContinue readingdaily_018; self-talk
Please don’t play loud music in a “multi-family” living area- duplexes or apartment complexes, etc.- if you are over the age of 19. It’s inconsiderate, immature, and just makes everyContinue readingdaily_017; don’t be that guy
I love this word. I think it’s bad for me sometimes, but I love it. A friend of mine (hi, buddy) recently described me as a “drowner”- I drown myContinue readingdaily_016; obsession
Hear me out. I put in an order a week ago for same-day delivery at work. I paid extra for this service. None of the items showed up on timeContinue readingdaily_015; Lowe’s sucks