I spent the last week housesitting. I was never home. It never feels like home in someone else’s house, no matter how much “nicer” it is. I also spent theContinue readingdaily_082; being home
Hanging out with people you love should be more important than the activity you had planned for your free time. At the end of your life, will you wish youContinue readingdaily_081; people
I’m not eating the number 79 for yesterday, because I wrote it yesterday. Published today but written yesterday, day 79. I passed over my chance to talk about 75 days,Continue readingdaily_080; duckworth
does that car know? Is this bush too visible? Can we walk here? Am I wobbling? How suspicious should I be of that person yelling? What does it mean toContinue readingdaily_079; mind games pt iii
I forget which titles I’ve used, and frankly I am not going to go back and check. The number is unique enough. Life moves when you run. And it’s betterContinue readingdaily_078; run (again)
How did Michael Scott become a manager, or work in an office for at least ten years, without understanding a budget surplus? He couldn’t. That’s the point. The surplus explanationContinue readingdaily_077; surplus
I can’t believe he did this for 490 days+ without missing a single day. He probably lost a decent portion of life on the back end because of his lackContinue readingdaily_076; not neistat
Please don’t make a movie about how cool you are. Let someone else do that. Or do make the movie. Just know it will be the laughingstock of an entireContinue readingdaily_075; finding faith
I’m an introvert by nature. But a year spent in relative isolation makes even the loners want to be around people. It’s a weird feeling. Maybe not weird, but foreignContinue readingdaily_74; social
It’s a really good movie. I enjoy it every time I watch it. That’s all. The creepy guy is the writer/director. I always respect it when someone has so manyContinue readingdaily_072; the gift